Africa Writes Returns for a Third Year: Ama Ata Aidoo, Warsan Shire and a Tweetathon

Taking place from
Friday 11 to Sunday 13 July, Africa Writes 2014
will bring together over 50 authors, poets, publishers, critics and experts for
an exciting programme, including book launches, readings, talks, panel
discussions, performances, children and young people’s workshops, family
activities, and an international book fair.
If you're in London (or the UK) please save the dates and book
your tickets now for this year’s festival highlights:
Reclaiming the
Feminine Voice
Friday 11 July, 18:30 – 20:00
BL Conference Centre, £8/ £6 / £5
Friday 11 July, 18:30 – 20:00
BL Conference Centre, £8/ £6 / £5
We bring together a powerful group of African women poets who are using their voices to claim their
rightful place in literature. With Young Poet Laureate for London Warsan Shire,
Belinda Zhawi, Ribka Sibhatu and Chinwe Azubuike. Moderated by Jessica Horn,
feminist writer and activist.
An Audience with
Ama Ata Aidoo
Saturday 12 July, 18:30 – 20:00
BL Conference Centre, £8/ £6 / £5
Saturday 12 July, 18:30 – 20:00
BL Conference Centre, £8/ £6 / £5
Join Ama Ata Aidoo, Ghana’s leading author,
poet, playwright, academic and former Education Minister, for an in-depth
conversation led by Wangui wa Goro, writer, critic
and translator.
For the full schedule of events and the latest news and updates, visit Africa Writes website and follow them on
Twitter and Facebook.
There's also #MyAfricaWrites Tweetathon
Follow @RoyAfrisoc and
tweet about your experience of the festival and African books and literature
with the hashtag #MyAfricaWrites for a chance to win some great prizes!
Africa Writes 2014 has been made possible through the financial
support and partnership of the following institutions and organisations: The
British Library, Arts Council England, Scib Nigeria, The University of London's
Centre of African Studies, The British Museum, The Caine
Prize for African Writing, British Council, Commonwealth Writers, Africa39, African
Reading Group, Afrikult., Black Reading Group, Black Book News, Bookshy
Blogger, Cassava Republic, English PEN, Kwani Trust, Female All Rounder,
SIDENSI, Spora Stories, Styled By Africa, TEDxEuston and Worldreader. Africa Writes takes this
opportunity to thank the above and the many other individuals and organisations
who have contributed to the festival.