bookshy giveaway: Two Tickets for 'African Books to Inspire' on Friday 3 July
On Friday 3 July, as part of the Royal African Society's Africa Writes festival, journalist Hannah Pool will be hosting an evening of books and inspiration, welcoming a special selection of writers and personalities to share their favourite titles in African literature - from classics to the latest published work. At the event will be Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, Ndina Kioko, Chibundu Onuzo and Nii Ayikwei Parkes. I am super excited about this event (and all of Africa Writes to be honest) and I will be sharing my own favourite titles, in the lead-up to the event.
... and if that wasn't exciting enough, I've got a pair of tickets to give away to my fellow lovers of African literature. So if you're in (or near) London, or are going to be London in July, and would love to attend this session, then why not join the giveaway.
For a chance to win, all you need to do is answer in one sentence the following question: Why do you want to attend the event, African Books to Inspire?
It's also really easy to enter - all you need to do is share your answers either via Twitter (#bookstoinspire) or on my Facebook page (commenting on the post that will accompany this giveaway).
Competition ends on Sunday 28 June and the winner will be announced Monday 29 June. Good luck and see you on Friday 3 July for a fun evening of books and inspiration :).
... and if that wasn't exciting enough, I've got a pair of tickets to give away to my fellow lovers of African literature. So if you're in (or near) London, or are going to be London in July, and would love to attend this session, then why not join the giveaway.
For a chance to win, all you need to do is answer in one sentence the following question: Why do you want to attend the event, African Books to Inspire?
It's also really easy to enter - all you need to do is share your answers either via Twitter (#bookstoinspire) or on my Facebook page (commenting on the post that will accompany this giveaway).
Competition ends on Sunday 28 June and the winner will be announced Monday 29 June. Good luck and see you on Friday 3 July for a fun evening of books and inspiration :).