2016 in books: an African literary calendar
2016 has been another awesome year for African literature, and I wanted to look back at some of the books that were published. From debut novels, such as Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing and Jowhor Ile's And After Many Days, to debut poetry collections, such as Katlego K Kol-Kes' ' ... on about the same old things' and nonfiction including Safe House and Teju Cole's Known and Strange Things.
While thinking about this post, I wondered what it would be like to map out the books based on their publication months and really see what the African literary year looked like. I should add that I haven't only focused on UK publication months - and have instead looked at various books published in the UK, US, South Africa, and to a lesser extent Nigeria. Of course, these aren't all the African books that were published in 2016, but it's pretty amazing to see that over 70 books by African writers were published this year. To African literature - may you continue to be wonderful!!!