Off to Brighton (Hove, actually)

by - 10:44

So, I moved. After 14 months of commuting for 2 hours (on a good day) each way from Surrey to Sussex for work, I finally made the move down to Brighton (well Hove, actually). It was a really tough decision - and if I'm honest I'm still not sure if I've made the right choice. It has been a little over a week and I've been asked the question - how I feel about the move - a few times and I think it's too soon to tell. Plus, I've already signed the contract for my flat so I figure I should at least give it a try.

What I do know is that it takes me 30-40 minutes to get to work (door to door) which is awesome, the weather these past couple of weeks has been absolutely gorgeous for September (and the UK), I love the neighbourhood I am in and I am literally a few minutes away from the beach. All bonuses in my books.

No sand here - Brighton and Hove's pebble/stone beach

Also, with a new city comes new discoveries and as nervous as I am to be in a new place and attempt to make new roots, I am also looking forward to seeing what this move will bring. I am particularly interested in what Brighton and Hove have to offer for this African book lover. I know I did a feature on Brighton bookshops around this time last year when I came down for a weekend. Well I 'm curious to know what else is in store. There is a bookshop super close to where I live - although I haven't been in it yet (I know, I know) and I have already found some cute coffee shops around my place - we don't get internet in the flat for another couple of weeks so I've been coffee shop hopping for free wi-fi. 

Anyways, wish me luck and let's see how it goesI'll try and share my experiences over the next few months as I settle down here.

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